At Tehnic Mag we are proud of the varied and comprehensive range of motor vehicles, tools, spare parts needed by householders, all available from one place and at an unbeatable price. On our website you will find equipment and parts from the largest manufacturers in the field, recognized for the quality and durability of their products.

We deliver the required products to you either from stock or on order basis, always accompanied by the warranty certificate and the certificate of conformity, in the fastest possible time. We try to always have as much stock as possible so that you can receive the desired product as quickly as possible. We offer various ordering and payment methods so that you can purchase the products as easily and as quickly as possible. Online payments with a bank card are made securely, they can be made either to the company or to the individual.

When we say that Tehnnic Mag represents the technical store of your home, we mean the wide range of products and parts that we cover, from parts for motor vehicles (chainsaws, power generators, lawn mowers, atomizers), Honda GX parts, Brigg&Stratton, electric tools, for example drills, impact hammers, flexes, paint guns, compressors, chainsaw parts, and many others that you need for your projects or for the maintenance of the buildings and spaces you own.

Every homeowner needs tools such as hammers, pliers, screwdrivers, saws, durable and quality protective equipment, and with us you can find the most complete range from which you can choose for all kinds of activities you want to carry out.

Also with us you can find parts for ATV, scooter, or motor bike, either from stock or to order if we don't have it available in stock. Our range includes, in addition to engine parts, carburetor, brake, transmission, and others, and many accessories, motorcycle clothing and helmets, lubricants and oils.

We also offer you a wide range of chainsaw parts, chainsaw parts, for chainsaws, from various manufacturers in China, Taiwan, famous brands in the field such as Husqvarna, STHIL, Ruris, DAC.

We sell original or aftermarket atomizer parts such as: atomizer carburetor, atomizer starter, atomizer spray head, solution basin and other atomizer parts.

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